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My Ghost (hopefully not a demon) Experience
(06-28-2020, 11:18 PM)guohua Wrote:
(06-28-2020, 09:59 AM)Schmoe1 Wrote:
(06-28-2020, 09:28 AM)guohua Wrote:
(06-28-2020, 08:46 AM)Schmoe1 Wrote:
(06-28-2020, 08:25 AM)guohua Wrote: @"Schmoe1" 
Actually Yes.
I have two aunts that follow me and I can even talk to them.
They are from my Mother side of my family, Both are Mongolian.
Both are ancient and have No desire to be reborn.

But then My form of Religion is the belief in my Ancestors and their power to help and guide us.
I also have seen my husband's father who lived with us for 12 years before he passed, he was 94 years old.
My husband's Father was a Good Man an Honest Man.

You can speak to them?  As in a regular conversation?

I was raised Roman Catholic, but I never paid it much mind, something about it just never sat well with me.  I believe in God or some form of all had to come from something at some point.

I've questioned God at numerous points in my life, mainly wondering if this existence is all we get.  I was paralyzed with fear when something sat on my bed, but if I saw a ghost today I'd be filled with joy because then I'd know for sure there is something waiting for us.

God, I have no belief in, remember I was raised in Communist China Under Chairman Mao.

But, yes I can hear and when they slow down their Vibration enough I can see them very slightly, like a wisp of a faint shadow.
I understand their language and I see things they want me to take notice of.

It is the religion of many peoples in China it is called Ancestor Worship.

Do you think them  slowing down their vibration goes along with Resonance Theory of Consciousness?

If our souls within our bodies vibrate 5-10hz, and they're at something like 50hz, they could slow their vibrations to manifest to us?  Sort of like tuning to our station?

I'm new to all this, if you couldn't tell.  I also hadn't heard of Ancestor Worship, I have some reading to do so thanks!

I don't know the Vibration hz to be honest with you, I just know they well tell me that they need to slow down and closer to me vibration in my dimension to be seen.
They can not do that for a long time, it takes a lot of their energy.

The reason with my experience is, They are like my Guardian's and they want to be seen and heard, My husband as seen them as wisp's in the corner of his eye.

Oh I don't know our exact vibration hz either lol, I was just throwing a figure out there.  As far as your husband seeing them out of the corner of his eye, I believe some are more sensitive to perceiving them than others.  Like animals, they seem to be ultra sensitive to it.
Quote:Oh I don't know our exact vibration hz either lol, I was just throwing a figure out there.  As far as your husband seeing them out of the corner of his eye, I believe some are more sensitive to perceiving them than others.  Like animals, they seem to be ultra sensitive to it.

True some people are more sensitive, but not my husband  smallroflmao they want him to see them just so he knows, they are always watching.
They don't trust the "Round Eye"  smallroflmao  smallroflmao True enough though.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(06-29-2020, 01:20 AM)Schmoe1 Wrote: Oh I don't know our exact vibration hz either lol, I was just throwing a figure out there.  As far as your husband seeing them out of the corner of his eye, I believe some are more sensitive to perceiving them than others.  Like animals, they seem to be ultra sensitive to it.

I think we are the ones that have lost our sensitivity. We have been taught to deaden our senses.

I will share a story here that I don't share often. You will probably figure out why after I share it.

When I was a little girl I would see things that most people could not see. Mother said the first time others became aware of my visions, I was about five years old. She said she knew much earlier but said nothing to anyone. When I was five, one day at church, I pointed to a lady that was sitting in the pew. A lady I did not know and had not seen before, and I said out loud, "she is going to die". People were startled, but children say the darnest things, so no big deal. It became a big deal when the lady died that night.

As the years went on I would sense things and I would share them with my mother and she kept telling me that it was our secret. When I was eleven my grandmother asked my mother to drive her to see her new grand baby. My mother agreed and asked me if I wanted to ride with them to see the baby. I rode with them. Everyone was gathered around the baby, cooing, laughing and celebrating the new life that had entered into our family. My grandmother told me to come over and see the baby. I told her no. Big mistake. Back then you didn't tell an elder no. My grandmother became angry. She told be to come to her. I started crying. She snatched me up and made me sit next to her and the baby. My mother got upset at the way my grandmother was treating me and asked her to stop. She said that there may be a good reason why I didn't want to hold the baby and why I was crying.

My mother was too upset to realize my dilemma. My grandmother told me to stop crying and that I was being a brat. She said I was just jealous of the baby. I couldn't stop crying. My grandmother put the baby down, she shook me, asking me why I was crying like that, and I blurted out, " because the baby is going to die!" "Tonight the baby is going to die!" My grandmother slapped me senseless.

The baby died during the night and it was diagnosed as SIDS. My grandmother and my aunt declared that I was witch, and hated me till the day they died. My mother made me promise that I would never tell anyone anything that I saw ever again, but her. That was an easy promise to keep, because I never had another vision after that.
@"NightskyeB4Dawn", how horrible for you as a child.

My grandmother and great aunt knew there was something "special"... wait, that's not the word they used. They said there was something "different" about me. I overheard them talking one day when they said that.

Most adults looked at me strangely. It was like they knew I was different. One person said I looked like I was looking into his soul.

Little did he know, I was.   tinysure
(06-29-2020, 02:54 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: @"NightskyeB4Dawn", how horrible for you as a child.

My grandmother and great aunt knew there was something "special"... wait, that's not the word they used. They said there was something "different" about me. I overheard them talking one day when they said that.

Most adults looked at me strangely. It was like they knew I was different. One person said I looked like I was looking into his soul.

Little did he know, I was.   tinysure

Most people dampen their senses because they have never learned to process them, so they can't control them.

They did a polling of over a thousand people, men and women, that were assaulted by random strangers. Every single one of them said they had an odd feeling something bad was going to happen before the attack. They said things like, they felt uncomfortable about walking across the parking lot, about leaving the house, or about pickling up the phone, but they did it anyway, and the bad thing happened. There was a report a few years back that showed there was an unusually large number of people that missed their flights on planes that crashed. When asked why they cancelled their flights, most always said they didn't know why, they just didn't feel comfortable so cancelled.

Some people have senses that are more heightened than others, but I think more people are sensitives than we think. The gut rarely lies. We just rarely listen to our guts.
(06-29-2020, 03:10 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:
(06-29-2020, 02:54 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: @"NightskyeB4Dawn", how horrible for you as a child.

My grandmother and great aunt knew there was something "special"... wait, that's not the word they used. They said there was something "different" about me. I overheard them talking one day when they said that.

Most adults looked at me strangely. It was like they knew I was different. One person said I looked like I was looking into his soul.

Little did he know, I was.   tinysure

Most people dampen their senses because they have never learned to process them, so they can't control them.

They did a polling of over a thousand people, men and women, that were assaulted by random strangers. Every single one of them said they had an odd feeling something bad was going to happen before the attack. They said things like, they felt uncomfortable about walking across the parking lot, about leaving the house, or about pickling up the phone, but they did it anyway, and the bad thing happened. There was a report a few years back that showed there was an unusually large number of people that missed their flights on planes that crashed. When asked why they cancelled their flights, most always said they didn't know why, they just didn't feel comfortable so cancelled.

Some people have senses that are more heightened than others, but I think more people are sensitives than we think. The gut rarely lies. We just rarely listen to our guts.

Wow, I'm sorry your grandmother was such a superstitious (shitty?) person, to shun her own granddaughter like that over something you obviously didn't do.  That's wild.  I mean no offense whatsoever.  In my experience grandparents are either great or horrible.

I have a friend who said he's really sensitive to detecting spirits, basically a feeling he gets, but he's got nothing on premonitions.  I imagine that's a blessing and a curse.

To your other point, I've always trusted the gut feeling.  Worst case scenario, you're wrong, but alive.
(06-29-2020, 04:05 AM)Schmoe1 Wrote: Wow, I'm sorry your grandmother was such a superstitious (shitty?) person, to shun her own granddaughter like that over something you obviously didn't do.  That's wild.  I mean no offense whatsoever.  In my experience grandparents are either great or horrible.

I have a friend who said he's really sensitive to detecting spirits, basically a feeling he gets, but he's got nothing on premonitions.  I imagine that's a blessing and a curse.

To your other point, I've always trusted the gut feeling.  Worst case scenario, you're wrong, but alive.

I forgave her once I was old enough to understand that she was just afraid.  It is horrible to lose a child. Especially a newborn. Trying to deal with that heart break you look for reasons, explanations, something or someone to blame. It is hard enough to deal with an unexplained lost, to have to wrap your head around how an eleven year old child would know that it was going to happen, is too much.

It was a very long time ago that this happened, and it still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. I was trapped with something I didn't understand and no matter what I did, it was going to bring pain to someone. So, I was the only one that they could blame. I became the source. To solve a problem, removing the source is usually the most logical option. For them it was shunning me. For me it was shutting down.
I came across this story on ATS while I was looking for something else, so thought I'd share with you.

This happened in early May, 2011. My husband and I were separated and I had rented a three-bedroom mobile home out in the country. There was a cemetery right at the edge of yard! I didn't notice it when I first looked at the place because of trees and shrubs blocking the view. I probably wouldn't have chosen that particular home if I had seen it then.

I always felt uneasy in the back bedroom (the end closest to the cemetery), like something was in the closet. I always kept that bedroom door shut. Even walking into the bathroom next to that room gave me the chills.

So one night I was in the kitchen and my food pantry door just opened up by itself. I felt a presence with me, and the hair stood up on my arms and neck. I had more knowledge about ghosts then after all the research I'd done over my life time so I didn't freak out as bad as I might have otherwise.
I remained calm and walked over to close the pantry door. Then I told it to get out of my home! It did. I must admit I was unnerved for about an hour afterwards. I walked over the same areas of the floor to see if there were any loose floor boards that may have made the door open for some reason, but it didn't open, and it had never done that in the four months prior when I moved in.

A couple of weeks later I came home from work (3rd shift) and had just gone to bed when I heard these incredibly heavy, loud footsteps starting at the opposite end of the trailer, and they ran (very fast) toward my bedroom. I had double doors entering my master bedroom (on the opposite end of the trailer), which I kept closed to keep the light out so I could sleep. I sat straight up in bed just waiting for my bedroom doors to burst open, but when it reached the doors, it just stopped...... from a dead run, to a sudden stop.... nothing!

I sat there, unable to move in bed with my mouth open, and eyes probably big as saucers waiting to see if anything else was going to happen. When I composed myself, I told it to get out; I had to get my sleep!
I never heard another sound after that day, but I still had an uneasy feeling in the back bedroom.

I moved out three weeks later.
Here's a couple more:

When I was around twenty years old my husband and I were staying at my Mom's one weekend. One morning after I had just gotten up I walked into the kitchen where my mother was busy cooking.
I had just walked in and something started making a very LOUD banging on the wall from the stairs leading down to the basement. This wall was also the kitchen wall. It was almost like hitting a hammer to the wall, it was so loud.

My mother had never believed me when I told her we had a ghost in the house, so, while this frightened both of us, it also made me feel validated.

My mom and I looked at one another unable to move. It kept banging on the wall, and then moved the banging to the basement door!
Then the door at the back of the house!
Mom finally went to check the back door, but no one was there. I told her the ghost was telling me hello, letting me know it was still there.
My mother said she had experienced a couple of other things after I had married and moved out:

One night my mom said she was lying in bed reading her Bible, as she always did before going to sleep, and the overhead light on the ceiling just exploded! She said she saw a shower of broken glass falling toward her, and then she felt the pieces of glass hitting her skin; it scared her half to death!
She got out of bed to look in the mirror expecting to see blood all over her, but there wasn't a scratch or any blood on her, and when she looked at the light it was still there; it hadn't exploded at all. Weird!

I was sorry these things happened to her, but I was happy the ghost had finally done something to prove to her I wasn't making up crazy stories when I was growing up.
Here is another story:

This happened to my friend on Dec. 18th, '09.

My friend's husband had passed away several years before this pic was taken. When my friend and her husband were first married he planted a Christmas pine tree in the back yard. Over the years it grew into a very large tree.

On the night of this photo, it had snowed, and my friend's daughter stepped out to take a picture of the snow looking so pretty on the tree. After putting the pic on the computer, and enlarging it, you can clearly see the form of a ghost standing beside the tree. The resolution isn't that great, but you can still see the form.
They think it is her late husband standing there to say hello to his daughter and let them know he is still with them.

Do you see him?  It's the brightest image in the pic.

[Image: ov4f67b877.jpg]
That's a creepy picture.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(07-10-2020, 06:09 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: I came across this story on ATS while I was looking for something else, so thought I'd share with you.

This happened in early May, 2011. My husband and I were separated and I had rented a three-bedroom mobile home out in the country. There was a cemetery right at the edge of yard! I didn't notice it when I first looked at the place because of trees and shrubs blocking the view. I probably wouldn't have chosen that particular home if I had seen it then.

I always felt uneasy in the back bedroom (the end closest to the cemetery), like something was in the closet. I always kept that bedroom door shut. Even walking into the bathroom next to that room gave me the chills.

So one night I was in the kitchen and my food pantry door just opened up by itself. I felt a presence with me, and the hair stood up on my arms and neck. I had more knowledge about ghosts then after all the research I'd done over my life time so I didn't freak out as bad as I might have otherwise.
I remained calm and walked over to close the pantry door. Then I told it to get out of my home! It did. I must admit I was unnerved for about an hour afterwards. I walked over the same areas of the floor to see if there were any loose floor boards that may have made the door open for some reason, but it didn't open, and it had never done that in the four months prior when I moved in.

A couple of weeks later I came home from work (3rd shift) and had just gone to bed when I heard these incredibly heavy, loud footsteps starting at the opposite end of the trailer, and they ran (very fast) toward my bedroom. I had double doors entering my master bedroom (on the opposite end of the trailer), which I kept closed to keep the light out so I could sleep. I sat straight up in bed just waiting for my bedroom doors to burst open, but when it reached the doors, it just stopped...... from a dead run, to a sudden stop.... nothing!

I sat there, unable to move in bed with my mouth open, and eyes probably big as saucers waiting to see if anything else was going to happen. When I composed myself, I told it to get out; I had to get my sleep!
I never heard another sound after that day, but I still had an uneasy feeling in the back bedroom.

I moved out three weeks later.

Oh man that gave me the chills, hearing running footsteps approaching your bedroom door!
[Image: Green%20Banner.jpg]
(07-10-2020, 06:36 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Here is another story:

This happened to my friend on Dec. 18th, '09.

My friend's husband had passed away several years before this pic was taken. When my friend and her husband were first married he planted a Christmas pine tree in the back yard. Over the years it grew into a very large tree.

On the night of this photo, it had snowed, and my friend's daughter stepped out to take a picture of the snow looking so pretty on the tree. After putting the pic on the computer, and enlarging it, you can clearly see the form of a ghost standing beside the tree. The resolution isn't that great, but you can still see the form.
They think it is her late husband standing there to say hello to his daughter and let them know he is still with them.

Do you see him?  It's the brightest image in the pic.

[Image: ov4f67b877.jpg]

Awesome picture, clearly humanoid.
[Image: Green%20Banner.jpg]
(07-10-2020, 08:30 PM)Schmoe1 Wrote: [quote pid='44898' dateline='1594402584']

[Image: ov4f67b877.jpg]

Awesome picture, clearly humanoid.

The picture was taken with a cheap cell phone camera. They weren't very good back then, plus it was snowing, so that made it look even grainier.

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