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Our Bodies Age in Three Distinct Shifts, According to More Than 4,000 Blood Tests
I'm 64.   I can see these three phases, although I characterize them differently:  

1) Age 1 - 30.    Pimple and muscle age.    These are the times where your muscles almost build themselves, and every workout only enhances them.   Your endurance is almost limitless.   You require very little sleep, and on the rare occasion in which you sleep for, say, 12 hours, you awaken with super powers.   The words "blood test" never ever cross your mind.   You don't have a personal doctor.    

2) Age 30 - 60.   The great transition years.    Skin is no longer elastic, and everything progressively hurts.   Now, in order to maintain muscle mass, it requires work and lots of it.   Metabolism becomes progressively lazy, so more activity is required than ever before to stay lean-ish.   This is often the best time to medically repair/replace joints.    Your doctor tells you to give up everything which gives your life meaning.    Sexual adventures are best when planned, although spontaneity is not yet dead, just resting.     

3)  Age 60+.   You've done all you can.   You don't much resemble yourself when you were young, but you also don't care.   Every day is a gift, and you are acutely aware of many of your contemporaries of your age are already gone.   Anything can kill people of your age.     You take a bazillion pills, both prescription and supplements, and you dabble with Eastern medicine much more than ever before.   It's probably time for another tattoo -- so much less expensive than the muscle car you've been looking at online.     You ... FINally learn the fine art of just sitting and looking and beauty, and if you are lucky and wise, you see yourself as a part of the natural environment in which you live.    You are active and grateful for the ability to be so.   The multiple sins you visited upon your body in your youth come home to roost and stay forever;   these are birds with sharp beaks and huge wings, but they aren't mean.   Not really.   Just persistent.  


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RE: Our Bodies Age in Three Distinct Shifts, According to More Than 4,000 Blood Tests - by argentus - 04-03-2022, 07:26 PM

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